
Basic Portrait Session- $200 for a gallery of 30 images (an hour+ session)

Boudoir Session- $300 for a gallery of 40 images (up to three hour session) Fine art retouching

Newborn Session- $250 for a gallery of 20+ images (up to three hours)

Studio Headshot Session- $80 for 10 images (Half hour)

Event Photography- $200/hr, minimum 2hr for a gallery of 100 images/ hour, date restrictions apply

Wedding Photography- $2200 minimum package for a Saturday in-season (June-October Saturday) ~8hrs coverage, gallery of 600 images

Off-season wedding or non-Saturday wedding- will allow shorter coverage at $200/hr. Minimum 2hr


Understanding what you are buying is important to your satisfaction:

Packages are for session experience and print/digital permissions of jpeg files only. Photographer retains copyright of all photographs unless work-for-hire, and does not authorize distribution of proofs or derivative works (second party edits) without express permission.



Frequently asked questions:


I don’t know how to pose, what should I do?

Don’t worry. I’m just bossy enough to guide you through it. No one knows what to do with their arms, you are not alone. We will find something for them to do. We will have fun, some laughs, and get great shots. You don’t need to prepare, but you certainly can practice in front of the mirror all you want! I do it! I’m also not above cheesy dance moves, the pepper grinder, the Roger Rabbit, I have an endless supply and will demonstrate. I love modeling. Just say, “No thank you, Myra!” and I’ll stop.


Do you Photoshop your photos?

Short answer: Heck yes!

Long answer:

I shoot RAW files that are basically a digital negative, jam-packed with information. They are enormous. By nature, they don’t look very good by themselves. They are dark and low contrast. They need to be developed.

I use Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop to edit. I adjust each RAW file for the basics: white balance, exposure, sharpness, color, contrast, noise, fringe, lens distortion, clarity, texture, etc. I adjust subject and backgrounds, color ranges and light values independently. I will also work a selection of photos from each shoot through my fine art editing process, which can include skin smoothing, blemish correction, eye and teeth brightening, photomerging, perspective warp, even body adjustments. If I make subtle body alterations, they are intended to tip focus to the most important aspect of the photo, not drastically change the look or weight of my subject. I may adjust a chin, arm or fold at an awkward angle, soften wrinkles and under eye shadows, for example. It is important to have a conversation about what you want and don’t want. If you want lots of glam alterations, I will go to the extent I feel is tasteful and ethical. If you want zero body alterations, I will 100% respect that.


How and when do I pay?

Paying at the time of the session is the best! *Myra sniffing a fistful of cash* Cash, check, Paypal, Venmo or barter in the form of ground beef are all acceptable. Weddings require contract, 50% retainer to secure the date, final payment on date of wedding and first born child (wink).


How will I get my images?

You will receive your images in an online gallery through the platform Shootproof. The gallery is for the delivery of your images and will archive after six months to a year, so be sure to download them in that time. You can download the full resolution jpegs and purchase prints from this site. You do not have to purchase prints from the gallery site, you can download them and take them to a lab of your choice. No shame.


I keep meaning to do something with the pictures.

What should I do?

For gosh sakes, order prints! You don’t have to order a gazillion. Most of my clients that order, order about $30 worth of pictures, not a huge amount. Don’t order every angle, just something to keep. What if there is an apocalypse that shuts down all the servers and you’ll lose your cloud pictures? (Insert second scare tactic).


Do you make photo books?

I can! Ask me about them. I’m pretty good at designing and have good leads on products. Additional cost of the book, of course, and some design time, we can arrange a price.


I clicked the link, but my gallery isn’t there anymore! Where is it?

Your photos will always be safe. If your link has expired that means your gallery is older than six months and went to archive. My gallery subscription only has room for current deliveries (less than one year old), so they are safely archived at a reduced cost to me. I will always happily re-open your gallery for a short duration of time so you can download your images. Just shoot me a message and it is no bother at all!


What happens if I don’t get an image I remember you taking?

I deliver a selection of edited images from each photoshoot, what I think are the best and most comprehensive. Not every shot comes out as expected. That’s why I shoot a lot more than you will see in the final gallery. I will always be happy to take another look through the files to see if we can find what you are looking for. I strive to have satisfied clients!


Can I get the color version of a black and white photo? Or a black and white of a color image?

In most cases this is very possible and a reasonable request. I’m happy to do it! Sometimes the black and white version had a troubling color beginning, maybe the color cast was too much to correct and didn’t look as good. In most cases though, it was a matter of artist preference and I’d be happy to bring up the other version for you!


What if I don’t like the editing style?

Please be sure to look through my portfolio to see if we are artistically compatible. I have a range of editing styles, and am happy to stretch a bit with my clients’ wishes, but I do prefer stay within my own artistic range. If you would like something very far from the styles I typically offer, I would be happy to recommend another photographer that might be a better fit. I have lots of talented connections!


Are images from my photoshoot private?

I often share images from each photoshoot on my social media and website, but I verbally ask for permission at the time of the photoshoot. If you would like your images to remain private, that is perfectly fine! I won’t share them. Can you change your mind? Yes! You can change your mind and halt my future sharing and even have images taken down. However, I don’t prefer to take down images once they are already published, as it can look to the public as though I didn’t ask permission, which I always do. I will still take down images for my clients. I can’t track down images that are shared beyond my own pages.


Do I own the photos?

Yes and no.

What you do get:

You buy the session experience and permissions to download and use the full resolution jpeg images, unrestricted, meaning you can print and digitally distribute in perpetuity for personal and commercial use without accreditation or use limit.

What you do not get:

RAW proprietary files, the right to distribute unedited RAW or jpeg proofs without permission, the right to destroy or make derivative work (re-edits) without permission, or the right to credit the images as your own or someone else’s.

I’m happy to explain all this. It is industry standard and the legal bits sound stuffy and mean, but I’m a reasonable and understanding person. I’ll work with your questions.


I wasn’t satisfied with how I looked in the photos, or something about the session didn’t meet my expectations.

What do I do?

Please give me feedback. My goal is to create experiences and images that you will cherish for a lifetime. If there is anything that I can do to make your experience better, within my control, I’d love to know!

If you don’t love how you look? Sometimes we don’t love how we look in images, and it can be jarring to see oneself in high resolution. I strive to deliver images that flatter. If you have specific needs, vulnerabilities or insecurities, be sure to let me know so we can produce the results you are looking for, that are gentle and honor your trust. There are things I can control like lighting and angles, and things I cannot control like your hair style or outfit.


My kids wouldn’t smile for the camera or my baby cried the whole time. Do I have to pay for this disaster?

Photoshoots are collaborative. I’ll do silly dancing and fart noises and get peed on to get good shots. I determine a refund by asking myself if the client came prepared. Did they also try hard? Sometimes it is just not in the cards that day and I understand. Life is unpredictable and I’m not out to hardball anyone. I always tell people a newborn session should not be stressful, if babe doesn’t cooperate, we’ll just keep trying or re-schedule. Space to breathe and laugh.

Things you can do to count as prepared. Snacks and bribery (even for adults) Try outfits ahead of time, to see their limitations. Get naps, food, drinks before the shoot. Bring a willingness to change your vision a bit. Nothing goes exactly as planned. Also modeling is hard work! Give yourself a pat on the back and say gosh darn it, I worked hard!


The photos are so awesome,

I don’t even know what to do about it!

OMG I know, right? Just keep on loving them. That makes me so happy!


Can I hire you to follow me around and take my picture all the time?

Probably. I’m not cheap, but I can be bought.


Do you enjoy taking my picture as much as it seems?

Yes. 100% not faking it. I photographed a party once where everyone had been fighting and people weren’t talking to each other. It was super awkward. I faked enjoyment a little bit then, but only then. I love people. I love introverts and extroverts and young and old and all kinds. And animals too.


I received more pictures than you promised. Yay, but what’s up?

I’m often an over-achiever. What can I say?


Can I take a picture with your camera?

Yes, of course you can. It is super fun. Feel how heavy, feel how expensive. Ooooh, ahhhh!


Who takes your picture, Little Lady?

Me! That’s who! You want something done right, you do it yourself, with a tripod and a remote! And sometimes famous photographers, like Jack Rowell.